Monday, November 1, 2010

New Trip to Houston but Not in RV

It has been awhile since I have posted anything and since I am traveling, albeit not in the
RV, I thought this would be a good time to get back into the groove.  So where am I - I am currently sitting in my hotel in Houston.  I am here for the Fall International Quilt Festival.  Yeah- I know, you are thinking- her she goes again on quilts.  Well, this is a big festival.  It began last week on the 30th with the International Quilt Market- open only to the wholesale trade (shop owners, retailers, etc.).  Then the second week (the one I am attending) began today (Monday) with classes and culminates at the end of week with the Quilt Show (Th- Sun) and for many attendees, a shopping frenzy.  While the classes occur at the beginning of the week, the vendors from last weeks Market and many of the shop owners who attended Market set up their booths to sell everything that touches the quilt industry and then some. Bruce told me once at looked like the largest flea market he had ever seen around Quilters - although I think I busted his bubble when I told him that there would be nothing close to a flea market price on anything.  Anyway, the Festival is officially over on Sunday, although this year they are also offering, for the first time, a Mexican Star Overnight Tour - Quilt Shopping, TexMex Food & the Alamo the Monday & Tuesday after the end of the show.  Maybe next time I will consider something like that - I love Quilt Tours.  As you might have guessed by no, I will not  be here for the whole thing, so this blog will only cover the part of the Festival I am attending, and my trip back home. 

As all of my friends had other commitments this year, I came to Houston alone (yes I drove by myself- my views on flying have NOT changed), but I took 2 days to make the trip, staying above New Orleans last night and continuing on today.  This trip is an indulgence for me, letting me get away, letting Bruce have some time by himself before we head out after Thanksgiving, so it will not be a trip filled with activity the whole time.  A slow drive over and back and a few fun filled days are all I am anticipating.  So then, if not a whirlwind of activity - just what do I have planned - I know you are just dying to know!!

I arrived after lunch today, checked in, went back out and picked up some take out Mexican food from the food court across the street and a decadent Starbucks Mocha Frappaccino, took it all back to my room and relaxed the rest of the day (after driving through the terrible rain most of the morning, my head felt like it would explode so a nap was definitely on the menu after some food and caffeine).   Tomorrow the day starts officially at 9:00AM (although I will have to get some breakfast of course and all my sign-in goodies first so will need to arrive earlier than 9).  I will be attending an all day class (OK - all day here means 9-12 and 2-5, with 2 hours for lunch, etc. so I guess I could get my sign-in goodies then instead of having to get up too early tomorrow morning) - Intuitive Color Theory given by Jean Wells Keenan and then on to the International Quilt Association (IAQ) Winner's Circle celebration at 6PM - a new activity for me.  This program will allow me to see the tope winners and their quilts as they are revealed for the first time in a more relaxed environment (think NOT with 10,000 others).  Wednesday morning my sister Terrie will fly down from Oklahoma City to join me for some sister bonding time. I am still trying to decide if I should be wonderful and pick her up at the airport or just have her catch the Super Shuttle to the hotel - she arrives at 8:40AM.  What a decision - sleep longer and not get in rush hour traffic or meet her in person - it will probably end up being meet her in person (at the hotel room door.)   We intend to see a few lectures, eat out at one of the nicer places downtown and then hit the Preview Wednesday evening from 5-10. That is when I intend to get in my shopping and see any special exhibits of interest, if we have time.  I know, you can't think of even one thing I might actually need - right?  Relax- I do not intend to buy more fabric so stop hyperventilating.  I know I can already start my own store with what I have.  And - I certainly do not need any new gadgets either, although I am a real sucker in this area so I only hope there is nothing really "amazing" I just have to add to my collection.  I know you will all be surprised, but I actually have an agenda for this shopping spree.  I want a  a Sew-Ezi table for the motorhome.  My big dilemma will be finding the Sew-Ezi vendor in the hundreds there (oh yeah, I can always use the vendor listing in the materials I get tomorrow- but that would be too easy) AND deciding for which sewing machine to have the custom top insert made.  Yes, I know- it is a real problem and one I will wrestle with all tomorrow - but rest assured, I will manage to come to a decision before I order (or just get 2 different table tops). Other than the table, any thing else I buy will really just be gratis shopping.  All right all you realists - yes, I know I could have ordered the table online but I would have to pay $40-50 in shipping  and I can get that for free by ordering at the show and I get to have a nice little vacation doing it.  (no one is to say one word about the cost of the vacation vs the shipping- OK).  Thursday Terrie and I will begin our drive home, stopping in Ft. Walton Beach for an overnight stay on the beach and a wonderful dinner at the High Tide(they have a wonderful fish sandwich, especially when they are serving Trigger) and then stop to see my Dad in Crestview on Friday morning as we begin the last leg home.  Hopefully we will not be too late arriving at our house Friday night.  So yes, this is a whirl wind trip for me - only 6 days, but Bruce can only go so long without me any more.

Enough of my plans, time to get some sleep so I can be rested and ready tomorrow.  Sweet dreams from Texas.