I know everyone understands the need to ensure your vehicle is travel ready. Well, today we are immersed in that activity. We just picked up new toolbox for back of the truck. Bruce had it made to specifically fit behind the 5th wheel hitch, between the hitch and the tailgate. It is 10" high, including the locking top. That is an important detail. We ordered a standard one before that was supposedly 10" high, but when it came in, guess what - add another inch for the opening top. Needless to say, it went back. Since we had it made, we could also get it deeper so now we have 22" instead of 18. Flat black of course, to match everything else in back.
I have been lounging in the truck outside Nimnicht GMC while Bruce buys fuel filter, oil filter and new air filter for last half hour. Guess what - those are not inexpensive for diesel, but better starting fresh than having to get service in Alaska. And this way labor only requires beer for compensation. Only thing left I would like installed are window visors, you know those wind/rain deflectors over windows. Since newer vehicle doors all seem to slope inward at top, rain iis a real issue if you need to roll the window down for any reason. Finding ones that Bruce likes probably isn't happening. No to stick on ones at dealer, they go on the paint; no to window track too, since makes track bow out. Guess we (that means me of course) will continue to look. I am not holding out hope that these will happen before we leave.
Now home for an afternoon of installation. Maybe we should stop for lunch since we are already out. We did eat breakfast out so too much? Nah... Later.....