Thursday, April 4, 2013

Not much longer

I can definitely see us progressing towards departure date, next Wednesday I hope.  Tempy is being loaded, we have seen doctors, arranged for meds for 6 months, visited vet, secured animal meds for 6 months and of course have dealt with their food. You know they can't just be on Friskies and Ole Roy, no, we have them on special food of course and it always has special prices and places to secure.  Oh the days of just putting dog or cat kibble down and walking away.

Bruce has cleaned up the back carport and is currently trying to finish some work on the old Jeep still there. We managed to get all our assorted "stuff" in one of the garages so if the big winds come through, it is somewhat protected.

Still need to start the refrigerator in Tempy, pack food and finish deciding how much and what clothes will go. Bruce thinks 4 pairs of shorts, 4 pairs of Jeans and 30 t-shirts will cover him. Must be nice to be a man. I get the job of making sure the bath is outfitted, we have some trauma supplies, DVDs and books are available (we did buy a TV and DVD player), bills are paid, cable is on hold, food is packed, kitchen is supplied, paper products are covered, my clothes are packed, etc., etc., etc.  I think you get the point. Anyway, we are well on our way to being done.

Next post will be after leaving here and actually on our way to somewhere.  I will miss my friends during the trip but most of all I will miss my grandson.  I leave you with this picture of a delighted little boy last Sunday. Everytime I see it I have to smile. He will be so different when we return. But mom and dad will keep us in the loop with pictures I hope.  Later all ....