Landed on time yesterday morning around 7:30am Rome time. Had experimented with something called No-Jet-Lag pills. Seemed to help, was up last night until at least 8 or 9 without a nap. Feel great this morning. Anyway...
After uneventful arrival and trip through passport control, we caught train to Roma Tiburtina and then another to Orvieto. We both almost succumbed to naps on train, but fortunately pushed on. Sabrina, our lovely hostess, met us at the train station so we didn't have to deal with our luggage on the funicular and then a bus to get to her apartment in the historic walled part of Orvieto, a slow city. More about Orvieto and CittaSlow, the slow cities that have vowed to preserve ways of life by banning tourist vehicles, saving historic foods and drink, etc. later. We were just grateful not to have to haul bags over real cobblestone streets. The apartment is all we could hope for plus. Fresh fruit, beautiful strawberries and a freshly baked chocolate torta greeted us. Yummmm.
After cleaning up we decided to explore, knowing that almost everything closes between 2-5 everyday, kinda like a siesta. We found several Bancomats(ATMs) and once we figured out how to get to English, each made our first, of what I am sure will be many, Euro withdrawals. Worked perfect. Then we heafed off to Meta, the supermarceto that is open all day, to inspect what was svailable . We bought coffee for the apartment's expresso machine, milk, sugar and some sweet rolls with currants or raisins. Met a young American college student who clued us in to the best place for wine, served with Stuzzichini, free finger foods. So, we stopped at ClanDestino on Corso Cavour, where Riccardo started us with gratis expresso. Maggi and I then each had a glass of wine along with the stuzzichini, but went on from there to drinking an additional bottle of wine and pizza, only leaving after a lovely time sitting outside watching the daily Passeggiata (evening walk/parade between close of work day and dinner). On our walk back bought a couple of bottles of local wines to try, later of course. By the time we got upstairs to the apartment we were tired. Maggi had a cup of coffee and we ate cake but then pretty much decided it was a day and I gave up the ghost by about 8 or 9.
It's now 9:12am Friday morning. I've been up for hours, Maggi is still sleeping. Guess she must not have dropped off to sleep last night like me so it was probably a good thing I passed on last night's coffee. This morning I've had a few less than successfully cups of expresso already so am going out to the corner bar for the real thing. Maybe when I return she will be ready to face the day. Ciao for now.
