We arrived at Buckhorn Campground in the middle of confusion Thursday. Remembering our commitment on this trip to be more spontaneous is not always easy as indicated by the fact we agonized over where to go after Jefferson and reviewed available campgrouds with potential sites online before making up our minds on direction. OK, not entirely spontaneous I agree, but it's a start. Knowing we could not usually make an online reservation (yes we still like reservations around weekends) earlier than 2 days in advance, I had used Friday as our arrival day and then checked potential sites to see if they were occupied Thursday, thinking it unlikely anyone would take a reservable site for one night if others were available. That would hopefully allow us to occupy it Thursday as a walk-in (spontaneous - right?). Finding one we liked, we made a reservation Friday - Tuesday. Since this park indicated it was open year round, we assumed all was well. You know what assume means, right? We got here to find that loop "C"" where I had reserved our site was closed and not scheduled to open until Friday, you know, the day of our reservation. Whoops, must have missed that little piece of info, even though I was sure that the site I had chosen online had been labeled with a W for Thursday, (arrival day) indicating it could be rented as a walk-in for that night. Anyway, it was not available, that loop was closed, there were no rangers around (in person or by phone) to open it early , even though the maintenance guy we found said it was ready, etc., etc. At first blush, we panicked. How could they say this campgroud was open all year? You guessed it - "D" loop (not even mentioned online on recreation.gov in the write-up ) was open, and was a first come, first serve loop. It was a good thing that we had arrived mid-afternoon because there were still sites left where we could fit. We found one where we could stay hooked up for the night, backed in and set up a temporary camp. Now knowing Bruce, you can imagine that by the end of that night we had met the camp hosts in both loop"D" and the soon to open "C", they had commmited to opening "C" loop at 8 am the next morning to make it easy for us to move as well as opening the bath house early and we had reviewed our reserved spot in C and located all the cut wood to collect. All in all not a bad ending to an "assumed" arrival fiasco.
After coffee Friday morning, we moved, got set up and had gathered all the wood we might want by 10 am. We went into Sulpher to get some groceries and look around. Found a small but very good Chinese Buffet for lunch and of course overate, but that did ensure we didn't buy all sorts of goodies while grocery shopping, we could hardly even get the things on our list. Sulpher seems to be a growing city. The old Artesian Hotel downtown has been completely rebuilt and there is a brand new Artesian Casino next door. Talking with the camp hosts, the hotel is already fully booked even though it hasn't even opened. There is a new Chickasaw Cultural Center with programs and displays and all the small businesses seem to be getting facelifts. Tell me there isn't money in Casinos and recreation. And no, we have not been in the Casino yet but probably will check it out Monday. Came back to campground in time to enjoy the arrival of most of the weekend campers, both experienced and new to backing in and leveling trailers as well as putting up tents. Hint: Always get to your campsite early so you can observe the activities not be the main attraction.
As a final comment on the campground, we have to say that we are both very impressed with all the sites in this campground and with the help of the voluteer hosts. This campground has by far the best facilities we have ever seen in a National Forest Service operated park. Most NFS campgrounds we have experieced never have electricity and usually only have community water, pit toilets and no showers. Here there are electric (50 amp) and non-electric sites, flush toilets, showers, and large private sites with either paved camper pads or prepared tent areas. Roads are all paved and everthing is well maintained. Thumbs up to Chickasaw National Recreation Area Buckhorn Campground. We will definitely return. Later...history of the area (I know you can hardly wait.)