Saturday, May 11, 2013

I did it, well almost.....

We were up early and at KKTR by 7:44 this morning, ready to hike through the canyon and climb to the mesa (yeah right.)  We were the first people at the Monument this morning and had the rocks all too ourselves. We walked the 1/2 mi to the Canyon cut off and decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, sun had not reached the canyon while we were there so pics are not as colorful as they could be, but I did get some.

With Bruce's help I was able to ,climb over the rocks in the trail and get through most of the canyon.  We stopped short of the last climb to the top with probably 100 vertical feet to go, but I will make it next time. The picture of me without a face is a Bruce normal, but it is truly me coming under the rock. So our first walk of the morning was about 2 mi round trip with an elevation change of about 500' up and of course back down. We then drove back to the Veteran's Memorial Overlook at 6500' and walked the mile trail around the mesa. After 3 ibuprofen and a snack of jerky and pistachios I felt good enough to come back to Tempy and sit in the sun and nap for awhile.  Boy, talk about a rough day.

We leave tomorrow for Homolovi Ruins State Park right above Winslow, AZ.  Plan to spend Monday in the park, seeing the ruins. Then Tuesday it is on to Jacob Lake and Wednesday the North Rim. We are getting everything put away now so we can leave right after Bruce's Huevos Rancheros breakfast tomorrow.  We want to get thete early since once we set up camp at Homolovi, it will be back to Winslow for groceries.  Don't think we will be running out to the convenience store once we reach the Grand Canyon.  So I will make this short and leave you with this last fact.

The waters of the Rio Grande River flow through Cochiti Dam without any slowing of the speed they  normally flow or any reduction in water volume unless there is the potential of flooding.

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