Saturday, June 11, 2016

Cuivre River

As I indicated in prior post, we spent 2 nights at Cuivre (pronounced quiver) River Campground outside Troy, Mo. Following our wonderful Goole map directions, we apparently took the shortest route in to the campground...and ended up lost at one of the many day use areas. Thank goodness a local policeman was driving through..and saved us. He said he was on his way to the beach area, where no alcohol was allowed and it was easy pickings, so we should just follow him and the campground was just above. And above was correct..we wound several miles into the Lincoln Hills (small mountains to Floridians) on a skinny, supposedly 2 lane road. Yes, we passed a beach area, ultimately 114 steps down from the campgrounds. We checked in, got situated in the site and decided we wouldn't be running to town for anything we didn't have.
The park began in the 1930s as a federal recreation demonstration area when workers from the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Project Administration constructed roads, bridges, group camps, and a picnic shelter. Two historic districts within the park, the Cuiver River State Park Administrative Area and Camp Sherwood Forest, were added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. The state took possession of the park in 1946. There are trails everywhere, from 1/2 mi  to 5+ miles and nothing is flat.
The check in station had a little store that sold a few supplies, ice, ice cream and firewood. We didn't avail ourselves of the firewood but did buy ice and of course, ice cream. Snickers ice cream bars are worth every penny! Additionally, we did laundry, used their showers and pretty much stayed in the campground.
Friday we got up early and came down that skinny, winding park road before all the weekend traffic met us coming the other way. 

The uneventful drive up US 61 ( not an interstate...yet) and 218 got us to Iowa City about 12:30. We found the Tailwater West campground, part of the Coralville Lake Dam Complex..of course not without at least one wrong turn...and words..and settled in.  We had to get some groceries so spent time chatting at the visitors center to get lay of the land. As a result, found out way to a new store..Hy-Vee.
Hy-Vee is Publix, Fresh Market and Whole Foods rolled into one..with a Starbucks and Bar & Grill. It's the perfect place per Bruce..I can grocery shop while he sits at the bar in the Market Grill and has a beer. We even went back for dinner...handmade and cooked to order burgers were buy one get one 1/2 price. They were definitely some of best I've ever had.
Well, getting dark here and shower time. More later...Au Revoir mes amis.

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